梦想家 常见问题解答

Can Undocumented Students Go to College?

  • 是的! 无证学生可以去加州的任何公立学院或大学,如果 they 满足 admissions requirements and are accepted. This applies to freshman and transfer admits.
  • 夏伯特学院欢迎和支持学生,而不考虑他们的移民 状态.
  • 学生可以在加州州立学校(CCC, CSU, UC)支付州内学费,如果他们 满足 criteria for state law AB-540.
  • 加州大学和科罗拉多州立大学的许多校区都有无证学生资源中心和项目 help support students. For UC campuses, visit 在这里. For CSU campuses, visit 在这里.


What is AB-540?

加州议会法案AB-540是2001年通过的加州法律,其中规定无证移民 符合某些要求的学生可以有资格免除非居民学费 加州公立学院和大学(包括社区学院,csu) 和UCs). 2014年,国会通过了AB-2000法案,将定义扩大到允许 additional flexibility for who can 满足 requirements. In January of 2018, Senate SB-68法案生效,该法案进一步扩大了标准. This is very important 因为这项豁免允许符合条件的无证学生支付加州居民学费 instead on nonresident tuition.  


Who qualifies for AB-540/AB-2000/SB-68? 

Visit the AB 540 & SB 68 webpage for complete information.



Yes, under CA law AB 2364,无证和DACA高中学生可以参加并行招生 and can apply to have the non-resident tuition fee waived. Students who wish to participate 在并行招生计划中,必须完成“并行推荐” “注册”包,包括标题为“AB 2364加州非居民”的部分 学费 Exemption” and submit to the office of 招生 & 记录 at Chabot College. 点击 在这里 了解更多韦德1946高中学生同步入学计划的信息.

Ca sb 554 (2019)是一项新的法律,允许成人学校和非学分学生入学 在高中毕业或同等学历的课程中参加同步招生 并且免除非居民的学费,每学期最多11个单元.

请注意,毕业后希望参加夏博学院的学生 high school will also need to submit the AB 540 affidavit form and accompanying documents to the 招生 & 记录 Office in order to continue to receive the non-resident tuition exemption.

Is My Information Private?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)给予学生有关其教育记录的隐私权. Chabot-Las 波西塔斯社区学院学区董事会政策5040提供了额外的隐私 保护.

In accordance with our Privacy Protocol查伯特学院不会公布任何学生信息,包括移民身份 或保密学生档案中的相关信息,泄露给任何公众, 未经学生事先书面同意的联邦机构或其他方, 传票:法庭命令或合法发出的传票,或法律另有规定的传票.

任何有关学生移民身份或相关学生的查询 档案将被转交给夏伯特学院的校长办公室. Chabot College 总统在回应时将坚持上述隐私保护原则 these immigration-related inquiries.

Also note, not all AB-540 students are undocumented. Many are legal residents. AB-540 表格的措辞是为了保护没有证件的学生免于申报 他们的身份(他们被归类为美国公民和永久居民). The affidavit “如果”他们是“没有合法移民身份的外国人”,那么他们就会追究 一种可以改变移民身份的方法.



Can AB-540 eligible students qualify for financial aid?

Visit the CA 梦想法案 webpage for complete information


Are t在这里 scholarships available for undocumented students?

Visit the CA 梦想法案 webpage for complete information


CA 梦想法案 vs. Federal 梦想法案 – what is the difference?

不要混淆加州梦想法案(该法案为非法移民提供国家财政援助) AB-540 eligible students) with the proposed Federal 梦想法案. The Federal DREAM (Development, Relief and Education, for Alien Minors) Act is a federal 建议 如果通过 会为许多无证学生提供合法的入籍途径吗. 然而, it has not yet passed in Congress. Because of this proposed act, many undocumented students refer to themselves as "DREAMers."


什么是DACA ??

For all recent DACA updates and information, click 在这里.

DACA是奥巴马政府2012年的一项政策 转变. DACA允许符合条件的个人申请临时(2年)工作许可, 临时社会保险号(只对工作授权有效),以及保护 from deportation. Students can reapply every two years. DACA does not grant lawful 移民身份或提供了一条通往公民身份的途径,而只是一个 临时 测量.

DACA recipients who meet AB-540 criteria 可以通过提交 CA 梦想法案 Application. DACA does not make students eligible to apply for FAFSA.

DACA接受者的学生也可能有资格被重新分类为CA居民. To be reclassified, submit the Petition for Reclassification of Residency to the Office of 招生 and 记录. This petition will require supporting documentation 只有在满足以下所有标准的情况下才能提交:

  • 您目前持有符合资格的移民身份(如DACA) 拥有(或申请)加州居留权至少366天 prior to the start 这个术语的.
  • 你已经在加州居住并打算在加州定居 在开始之前至少366天,你的家非临时用途 这个术语的.


Who is eligible for DACA?

For all recent DACA updates and information, click 在这里.

You are eligible for DACA if you:

  • Were born on or after June 16, 1981;
  • Came to the U.S. before you turned 16 years old;
  • Have continuously resides in the U.S. since June 15, 2007 up to the present time (If previously deported, ordered removed, or left the U.S. during this period, discuss with an immigration legal advocate/attorney);
  • Were physically present in the U.S. on June 15, 2012 and at the time you file your DACA application;
    Entered the U.S. 未经检查,或您的合法移民身份过期为 of June 15, 2012;
    目前在校,高中毕业,或获得普通教育 Certificate (GED);
  • 没有被判犯有重罪、严重轻罪或其他三项或以上罪行 行为不端,对国家安全和公共安全没有其他威胁的 (如果你有任何逮捕或刑事定罪,与移民律师讨论 advocate/attorney); and
  • 提交申请时至少15岁,除非你是或 were in removal proceedings.

点击 在这里 to schedule a legal services appointment with EBCLC today!


请注意,本网站所载资料属一般性质,只供参考 指南. Information may be subject 改变 without notice.  Please consult the resources provided on this website for more information. Immigration laws are complex and subject 改变. 有关问题请咨询移民律师 to immigration and legal 状态.