
这些列表来自课程网,有些课程可能不是每个学期都提供. For additional information, contact the academic department, speak with 咨询 或者参考电流 课程表 and College 目录.

DIGM 1 - Introduction to Digital Art    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to fundamental concepts, practices, and theories of digital art production. Topics include integration of traditional design, color, and compositional principles with contemporary digital tools.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Create digital media using industry standard tools enlisting artistic principles, elements of design and principles of design.
  2. 在批判的环境中使用适当的术语批判性地分析媒体的要素和原则.
  3. Practice professional methods for 过程 document creation, 内容修改, 文件存储, 显示, 和分析.

DIGM 2 - Introduction to 平面设计    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to the essential visual elements of graphic design. 探索用于有效视觉交流的原则、概念和协议. Cultivation of the designer’s creative 过程 and problem-solving skills. 通过设计执行强调强大的概念开发和扎实的工艺. Projects explore creative development of graphic design ideas from start to finish.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Explain and apply the principles of design.
  2. 在批判的环境中使用适当的术语批判性地分析设计的元素和原则.
  3. Practice professional methods for 过程 document creation, 内容修改, 文件存储, 显示, 和分析.

DIGM 4A - Digital Illustration    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to the principles of illustration using digital tools. 通过讲座, 演示和作业的学生接触和实践数字插图技能的设计, 编辑, 和动画. 重点放在使用矢量为基础的工具的艺术绘画和平面设计. 学生探索数字插图与平面设计领域的关系, 动画与美术.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 使用行业标准工具创建数字插图,并遵循艺术原则, elements of design and principles of design.
  2. 在批判的环境中使用适当的术语批判性地分析设计的元素和原则.
  3. Practice professional methods for 过程 document creation, 内容修改, 文件存储, 显示, 和分析.

DIGM 5 -排版    ( 3.00 -单位)
排版探索艺术, 过程, 以及为视觉传达和设计构思和制作成功字体的技术方法. Students use vector based tools to 创建, 修改, place and design compositions using 排版 as the main design element. 主题包括解剖, 分类, 易读性, 意义, 可读性, 历史, and historical changes of 排版.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 识别, 使用排版设计的原则创建和操作类型和字体的各个方面.
  2. 在批判的环境中使用适当的术语批判性地分析设计的元素和原则.
  3. Practice professional methods for 过程 document creation, 内容修改, 文件存储, 显示, 和分析.

DIGM 6A - Photoshop    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍使用Adobe Photoshop进行修饰,编辑和合成数字图像. Students take their original 摄影 and artistically adjust contrast, 曝光, 色彩平衡, to 创建 enhanced compositions. 学生也采取了一些图像和合成图像的艺术平衡和精心设计的组成.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 识别, 创建 and manipulate digital images using principles of art and design.
  2. 在批判的环境中使用适当的术语批判性地分析艺术和设计的元素和原则.
  3. Practice professional methods for 过程 document creation, 内容修改, 文件存储, 显示, 和分析.

DIGM 7 -设计和布局    ( 3.00 -单位)
设计和布局侧重于使用设计元素和原则的数字和印刷布局. 学生使用格式塔原理、创意概念、分色和排版来创建布局. The course explores the 历史 of layout in various media, 数码与印刷工艺, 版权问题, and working with various printers for final project output.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 识别和使用组织原则,在设计布局的印刷和数字出版.
  2. 在批判的环境中使用适当的术语批判性地分析设计的元素和原则.
  3. Practice professional methods for 过程 document creation, 内容修改, 文件存储, 显示, 和分析.

DIGM 8A - 平面设计 Studio    ( 3.00 -单位)
Graphic design studio focuses students on integrating principles of design, 排版, 艺术实践, 并使用数字工具进行布局,以创建迭代研究的设计项目, revised and artistically rendered. Students practice design creation using elements and principles of design. 学生使用各种数字工具和媒介创建、修改和展示设计项目.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Create design projects using elements and principles of design.
  2. 使用适当的术语,批判性地分析设计的要素和原则,并对自己和同学的作品进行建设性的评论和批评.
  3. Review and revise graphic design projects based on elements and principles of design.
  4. 应用 ethical guidelines in situations involving copyright law, 图像处理, 以及艺术完整性.

DIGM 8B - 平面设计 Studio II    ( 3.00 -单位)
Students are partnered with a volunteer client and work to ideate, 创建, revise and complete a graphic design project. 学生将体验到他们作为专业平面设计师需要解决的问题类型. Illustrates the needs that might be expressed by art directors, 创意总监, 项目领导, providing students with a 过程 for meeting those needs.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Create design projects using elements and principles of design.
  2. Collaborate with clients to 创建 design projects confidently presenting, 修改, and delivering final project.
  3. 应用 ethical guidelines in situations involving copyright law, 图像处理, 以及艺术完整性.

DIGM 10A - Introduction to 动画    ( 3.00 -单位)
The 历史 and evolution of technical aspects of animation are examined. Students explore animation principles using analog media, 包括, phonotropes, 定格动画, 粘土动画和翻页书. Digital aspects of animation are also explored to 创建 short mini animated sequences.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Create animation using industry standard tools enlisting artistic principles, 故事结构, 和动画 production principles.
  2. 在批判环境中使用适当的术语批判性地分析动画的元素和原则.
  3. Practice professional methods for production document creation, 媒体修正, 文件存储, 筛选, 和分析.

DIGM 11 -视频编辑    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to the art of digital video editing using industry standard software. 学生探索各种编辑风格的理论和实践,以便更好地了解编辑室如何构建故事. Through demonstrations and hands-on experience, 学生学习先进的编辑技术与编辑艺术的深入检查. 重点放在后期制作技术,提高视频的声音和图像质量.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Effectively embody artistic concepts and themes in digital work.
  2. 展示强大的工艺(使用行业标准软件和技术)在创建数字工作.

DIGM 12A -动态图形    ( 3.00 -单位)
运动图形学是一门运动图形学的入门课程,适合在排版和设计方面有很强基础的学生. This course introduces the theories, techniques, and practices of motion graphics. 学生使用设计元素和原则来创建传达信息或故事的动态图形. 矢量图形, 摄影, 声音, video 和动画 are integrated together to design compelling motion graphics.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Effectively embody artistic concepts and themes in digital work.
  2. 展示强大的工艺(使用行业标准软件和技术)在创建数字工作.

DIGM 13 - 2D动画    ( 3.00 -单位)
2D动画是一门通过使用2D动画技术创建2D动画的基本概念和方法的课程. 学生使用2D软件工具探索动画的12个原则,创建短片动画,并讲述视觉上引人注目的故事. Students will 创建 a complete animated piece for their portfolio.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Practice professional methods for production document creation, 媒体修正, 文件存储, 筛选, 和分析 of 2D 动画.
  2. 在批判环境中使用适当的术语批判性地分析2D动画的元素和原则.
  3. Create 2D animation using industry standard tools enlisting artistic principles, 故事结构, 和动画 production principles.

DIGM 14 -三维建模 & 动画    ( 3.00 -单位)
Students learn how to 创建 and model 3D objects and characters using materials, 纹理, 浮出水面, 和照明. 然后,学生使用3D行业标准动画软件创建3D场景,并在这些场景中动画对象和角色.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Create 3D animation using industry-standard tools enlisting artistic principles, 故事结构, 和动画 production principles.
  2. 在批判环境中使用适当的术语批判性地分析3D动画的元素和原则.
  3. Practice professional methods for production document creation, 媒体修正, 文件存储, 筛选, 三维动画分析.

DIGM 15 - Web Design Fundamentals    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍创建视觉上引人注目的网站或用户体验所需的基本设计元素. Emphasis on design and layout, vector based graphics, and style consistency. 学生学习创建风格指南,以确保在整个构建过程中设计的连续性.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Effectively embody artistic concepts and themes in digital work.
  2. 展示强大的工艺(使用行业标准软件和技术)在创建数字工作.

DIGM 16 - Interactive Web Design    ( 3.00 -单位)
Students use various software technologies to 创建 media-rich websites. Websites are built using HTML and CSS. Students use multimedia software programs to include vector graphics, 照片, 字体, and video and motion graphics. 网站设计的美学和可用性被强调为网站建设的核心组成部分.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Effectively embody artistic concepts and themes in digital work.
  2. 展示强大的工艺(使用行业标准软件和技术)在创建数字工作.

DIGM 17 - Interactive Web Design II    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to JavaScript, a scripting language used to add interactivity to web pages. Covers the aspects of JavaScript most useful to web designers: basic object-oriented programming techniques; using the Document Object Model to control page elements such as windows, 链接, 形式, and images; working with free JavaScript libraries such as jQuery.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Effectively embody artistic concepts and themes in digital work.
  2. 展示强大的工艺(使用行业标准软件和技术)在创建数字工作.
  3. 展示对同伴和老师的反馈作出有效回应的能力.

DIGM 20 - Digital Portfolio and Promotion    ( 1.50 -单位)
开发艺术家/设计师的作品集和策略,以促进艺术和设计行业的自我推广. Students will work to revise existing projects, 创建 advanced projects and select and organize projects for promotion. Includes use of effective techniques of presentation. Includes creation and revision of resume, business card, and template based website.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Effectively embody artistic concepts and themes in digital work.
  2. 展示强大的工艺(使用行业标准软件和技术)在创建数字工作.
  3. 展示对同伴和老师的反馈作出有效回应的能力.