
这些列表来自课程网,有些课程可能不是每个学期都提供. For additional information, contact the academic department, speak with 咨询 或者参考电流 课程表 and College 目录.

WELD 63 - 焊接 Layout & 拟合    ( 2.00 -单位)
焊接图纸在焊接组件和组件上的理论和实际应用. 焊接 power source identification and classification, welding processes identification and selection, 根据AWS标准和规范对焊接接头不连续和缺陷进行评估, techniques of stress and distortion control such as proper use of jigs, fixtures and holding devices, 采用焊接顺序技术控制焊接变形,并对成品实施正确的校直和尺寸恢复方法. Laboratory includes the use of the following welding processes: SMAW, 熔化极气体保护焊-, GTAW, and FCAW and 等离子体 and fuel cutting practice.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 识别和解释焊接缺陷和冶金缺陷.
  2. Identify and demonstrate the proper use of welding jigs and fixtures

WELD 64A - Beginning Arc, Flux-Core 焊接 and Blueprint Reading    ( 3.00 -单位)
理论与实际应用:1G中保护金属电弧焊(SMAW)和药芯电弧焊(FCAW), 2G, 1F, 和2F位置, 等离子体, carbon arc and flame cutting, American 焊接 Society (AWS) nomenclature and 代码, welding metalurgical transformations, welding discontinuities and defects, welding electrodes and wire selection, OSHA hazardous materials regulation, general shop equipment usage and maintenance, 购物安全, and blueprint reading (as applied in manufacturing industry).

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Identify flux-core welding equipment and describe their applications.
  2. 识别有害物质并在车间环境中应用OSHA安全法规规范.
  3. Identify the power supply for the SMAW and FCAW welding processes.
  4. Identify flux-core welding equipment and describe their applications

WELD 64B - Advanced Arc, Flux-Core 焊接 and Blueprint Reading    ( 3.00 -单位)
先进的理论和实际应用:3G中保护金属电弧焊(SMAW)和药芯电弧焊(FCAW), 4G, 3F, 和4F位置, 等离子体, carbon arc and flame cutting, American 焊接 Society (AWS) nomenclature and 代码, welding metalurgical transformations, welding discontinuities and defects, welding electrodes and wire selection, hazardous materials regulation, general shop equipment usage, 购物安全, and blueprint reading (as applied in manufacturing industry).

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 能够在理论和应用上阅读、解释和运用蓝图阅读和符号.
  2. Perform vertical up position welds on a 1/2 inch plate, in compliance with AWS 代码 for the FCAW流程
  3. Perform vertical up position welds on a 1/2 inch plate, in compliance with AWS 代码 for the FCAW流程.
  4. Understand the weld-ability of specific metals and their alloys.

WELD 65B - Advanced TIG, 米格, and Blueprint Reading    ( 3.00 -单位)
GTAW和熔化极气体保护焊-工艺的先进理论和技能发展,包括根据AWS规范和标准在垂直和架空位置应用黑色和有色金属及其合金, advanced blueprint reading and fitting, 氧乙炔钎焊, flame and 等离子体 cutting, electrodes and wire selection, 先进的图纸阅读和焊接符号的实用解释, proper and safe use of shop and welding equipment, hazardous material regulations.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 按照a的要求,对钢和/或不锈钢或铝进行3G焊接.W.S. 代码
  2. 根据图纸和焊接符号尺寸进行数学计算.
  3. 根据AWS规范,使用GTAW和熔化极气体保护焊-工艺在垂直和架空位置进行焊接.

WELD 65A - Beginning TIG, 米格, and Blueprint Reading    ( 3.00 -单位)
黑色和有色金属及其合金气体钨极电弧焊(GTAW)和气体金属电弧焊(熔化极气体保护焊-)工艺的理论和实际应用, correct identification of materials, AWS (American 焊接 Society) 代码 and standards, introduction to blueprint reading, 并正确、安全地使用焊接设备和危险材料的规定.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 正确识别和正确使用电极、药芯焊丝和焊接耗材.
  2. 识别和解释在熔化极气体保护焊-工艺中决定焊接热影响区域大小的因素.
  3. 根据AWS规范,在平面和水平位置使用熔化极气体保护焊-和GTAW工艺进行良好的焊接性能测试.

WELD 66 - 焊接 Inspection and Testing    ( 2.00 -单位)
无损检测方法(染料渗透法)的理论与实际应用, 磁粉, 射线照相, 超声波, and metallographic inspection), AWS (American 焊接 Society) welding 代码 and specification, analysis of joint configuration, wire and electrodes selections, 抗拉强度, bend and hardness testing.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Identify and explain current D.T. systems, stating their limitations and their optimum applications
  2. Identify and explain current destructive testing systems, stating their limitations and their optimum applications.
  3. Identify and explain current nondestructive testing systems, stating their limitations and their optimum applications.

WELD 67B - Advanced 焊接 Skills Laboratory    ( 2.00 -单位)
保护金属电弧焊实用焊接技术的发展和提高, 药芯弧焊, Gas Metal Arc 焊接 and Gas Tungsten Arc 焊接 in the 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 1F, 2F, 3F和4F位置.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 使用SMAW工艺在4G架空位置准备并完成1英寸板焊接.
  2. 使用SMAW工艺在4G位置准备并完成1英寸板焊接
  3. 使用GTAW工艺在3G垂直位置准备并完成1/2英寸板焊接.

WELD 67A - 焊接 Skills Laboratory    ( 2.00 -单位)
Development and improvement of practical welding skills using SMAW, FCAW, 米格, 熔化极气体保护焊-, 和GTAW进程. Preparation for welding solidification in 1G, 2G 1F 和2F位置.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Identify common metals, metal alloys and their properties.  
  2. 使用SMAW工艺在2G位置准备并完成1英寸板焊接
  3. 使用SMAW工艺在2G位置准备并完成1英寸板焊接.

WELD 68 - Certification Preparation    ( 0.50 -单位)
准备焊接工艺认证考试,包括美国焊接学会理论考试D1.1, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Section IX, American Petroleum Institute 1104, includes laboratory practice in skills needed to take these exams.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 对指导老师确定的特定焊接工艺和位置进行AWS焊接性能鉴定试验.
  2. 使用符合AWS要求标准的FCAW,准备并完成垂直位置(3G)的认证焊接测试.
  3. 根据AWS要求的标准,使用FCAW准备并完成垂直位置(3G)认证焊接测试.

WELD 69A - Fabrication and Installing Piping Systems    ( 3.00 -单位)
Theory and practical application of pipe joint preparation and design, API(美国石油学会)和AWS(美国焊接学会)管道和管件焊接规范, analysis of joint configuration, 等离子体 and flame cutting of pipes, wire and electrodes selections, pipe welding blue print and welding symbols, SMAW, 熔化极气体保护焊-, and GTAW of pipe joints, 无损检测与定性评价的概念.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 能够阅读、理解和应用图纸和焊接符号.
  2. Identify and understand the API and AWS 代码 specification.
  3. Perform manually and automatic pipe joint cuts using 等离子体, 符合制造标准和规范的氧气燃料和气刨设备.

WELD 69B - Advanced Pipe 焊接    ( 3.00 -单位)
管接头制备与设计的先进理论与实际应用, API(美国石油学会)和AWS(美国焊接学会)管道和管件焊接规范, geometric curve design for branched joint of piping systems, wire and electrodes selections, advanced welding blue print and pipe welding symbols, SMAW, 熔化极气体保护焊-, and GTAW of pipe joints, metallurgical transformation of weld Heat Affected Area (HAA), welding discontinuities and defects, destructive and non-destructive testing, and methods of inspection and testing.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Perform manually and automatic pipe joint cuts using 等离子体, 符合制造标准和规范的氧气燃料和气刨设备.
  2. Perform sound pipe welding V groove open-root welds in 6G position.
  3. 了解和解释焊接和焊接加热区域的冶金变化.
  4. 了解和解释焊接和焊接加热区域的冶金变化.

WELD 70 - Introduction to 焊接    ( 2.00 -单位)
焊接 industry fundamentals including introduction to SMAW, 熔化极气体保护焊-, GTAW, FCAW流程, oxyacetylene and braze welding, 等离子体 and fuel gas cutting, general shop equipment usage, welding electricity fundamentals, 购物安全, identification of welding consumables, hazardous materials regulation, introduction to blueprint reading as applied in manufacturing industry.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 通过描述焊接电源的应用来识别和CV焊接电源
  2. 通过描述其应用来识别CC和CV焊接电源.
  3. Properly maintain shop and welding equipment.

WELD 71 - 焊接 for Artists    ( 2.00 -单位)
有艺术倾向的个人为了在艺术创作过程中熟练地表演而需要获得的焊接要领和传统的车间指导和技能. Provides instruction on types of metals (aluminum, 铁, 钢, 铸铁, 青铜, 不锈钢, 等.), 机械紧固件, cutting and permanent joining together of metals and alloys through welding processes such as; SMAW, 熔化极气体保护焊-, GTAW, FCAW, oxyacetylene and braze welding, 等离子体 and fuel gas cutting, general shop equipment usage, welding electricity fundamentals, 购物安全, welding consumable identification, and hazardous materials regulation.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 从图纸和草图中设计和制作至少两个艺术项目.
  2. Properly identify welding power sources and describe their applications
  3. Properly identify welding power sources and describe their applications.